When you travel, you get to see so much more that the world has to offer. You see new people that you encounter daily, and you may never see any of those faces again. You walk down paths that you will only take when you are there during that short time, and you will see the surroundings of that area only for a short period of time. There is something about knowing you are only in a place for a short time, that makes you want to experience it, and live it to the absolute fullest. That "Live Life Everyday like it is your Last" mentality comes into play. However, instead of just saying you are going to live like that, you actually do. I miss the feeling of my soul being at peace with everything, where I feel truly happy and alive waking up daily in a foreign place wondering what amazing opportunities for adventure lies before me. I miss the unknown, the variety, the difference. Traveling is a luxury. Whether it be for a few days, or many weeks. It is something not everyone is able to have the opportunity to do, so if you are ever able to get out there and see a different town, city, state, country.. Make the most of it. You do not want to look back in a few years and wish you could be back there again and actually make the most of it when it is too late.
Getting to know myself for the first time has been pretty cool af
So, going abroad is like, the chillest coolest thing ever.
You learn so much about yourself. It is crazy.
I feel like I am just now getting to know who I really am, and it is the most amazing thing like, ever
I learned that I love spontaneous things, I love being present, I love being me, I love not knowing, I love being around people who want more, those people who just want to push all boundaries and do everything different and ask the random questions and do the "weird" things people label as deviant, I want to smile every day, I love walking outside and praying in my head to God about everything around me, I love being looking at the stars and just laying up staring at them with not a worry in the world, I love adventures, I love deep conversations, I love people with a passion and excitement about living. I love every person, and I love being different, and I love loving the weird things about myself, I learned that I love to get into peoples heads and know all things about them. I love connections, I l thrive off of peoples energy, I love simple things, I love the thought of doing something amazing every day of my life. I want to touch every persons life around me, I want to help them in every way. I want people to feel good about their differences and quirks and embrace that you don't have to fit in to this idea of what you should be right now in college. I love the idea of fate and everything happens for a reason and karma, and how you get what you give in life. I love ideas. I love being fun and goofy and silly, I love jokes and laughing and being just simply happy with my life. I am all over the place, I love the thought of being organized but it is honestly just not in the cards for me. Ever. My planner just has all my stuff in it in case I decide to check it and see if there is anything I care about doing on it at that time because I just take life as it comes to me. I need to be reminded about things, I need to be known, I love to talk, I love to talk about what is on my mind, and also don't have much tolerance for people who make the same mistakes expecting a different outcome after. I am add, and get off track easily, and forget tons of things too. I struggle with how I feel about my appearance, and compare myself to others often, but have lots of confidence in my life and who I am as a person. I learned about my weaknesses just as much as my strengths.
I also realized what I do not like
I do not like being around negativity, and in situations that bring me down. I have such a high go go go personality that being around the people that put a dent in my day just really turns off and makes me want to like idk never be around that person again. I don't like judgements, or offensive jokes, and I do not like when people complain about something. Anything. I just want to be like, dude, chill, we all know its hot, why bring it to our attention more and just bask in negativity all the time.
I get that we are all different, and I love being different and I love the fact that none of us are the same. However, when people can't accept who they are and work on those things about themselves that causes them to bring negativity wherever they go I just don't want to be around that.
I have tons of flaws, I am like so flawed, I have no idea what is going on half the time and that is a flaw but also something that I love about who I am because it also makes me the kind of person that can adjust to things fast and make the most out of any situation I am put in. I work on the good things I know about myself and just live with and embrace the flaws and try and make them into things that can be relatable to others maybe in another way.
I hate having a plan, I don't like boundaries and set rules or recommendations on how we should be living and what we should be doing right now in our lives. We are young! We only have this time right now to be free, why should we be stressed out about the future when the future will have its time in our life. We can't always be thinking ahead, we need to be focused on the NOW. How can we know what the future holds for us if we never live in the present? You know?
Like, I want to end each day with a smile and know that I did something that brings me joy and fulfillment. I don't want to look back at the end of the day and know how much I wasted my time, and not have that feeling of achievement.
But, maybe that is just me